Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pwnt By Facebook

Over the past week I've had some problems with my account on Facebook, a social utility that connects you with the people around you. My account has been "disabled" because I haven't "affiliated with my high school network within sixty days". But I am homeschooled so I can't join a high school network, there is no "Homeschooler" option of course, that would be to easy right? So I contacted Facebook about the problem I'm having (along with alot of other homeschoolers) and they respond with this automated message:

Unfortunately, your account has been disabled because Facebook does not support currently most homeschool networks. Our high school networks are based around a model of community verification. Because of their size, homeschools are inherently hard to prove an affiliation with. If your homeschool program provides an email address to its students, however, please let us know, and we will investigate the possibility of adding it as a network. These email domains are an alternative way for us to verify an affiliation with a school. You will need to email us from this school affiliated address and tell us the name and location of the homeschool. I'm sorry if our policies on this matter present any inconvenience. In the future, we will consider new ways to integrate homeschools into the site. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks for contacting Facebook.

I was furious after recieving this email. I felt like quiting Facebook but I have alot of my friends on it. So anyway, I cooled down and made a new account and dealed with it. So just a heads up to anyone who homeschools out there, Facebook will not be very friendly to you if your under 18. Hopefully I won't have anymore problems.

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